EzScope 101-basic Live Cell Imaging System
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Produktübersicht, Größen und Preise |
Andere Produkte The EzScope 101-basic version comes with a 10x objective lens. Manufacturer: Blue-Ray Biotech |
Description of EzScope 101-basic Live Cell Imaging System
EzScope 101 is a dedicated live cell imaging system that helps to streamline your research workflow with improved efficiency and productivity, no more hassles to remove cells from incubator for observation. EzScope 101 brings 24/7 measurements under precisely controlled conditions in a non-perturbing environment. You can observe the images anytime with walk-away convenience. Up to four samples can be monitoring simultaneously in a same incubator.
Features and Benefits
EzScope 101 enables microscope-in-incubator to live view for real-time cell monitoring, migration, growth, and invasion, plus a wide range of phenotypic cell-based assays.
Incubator Live View
Designed to be used inside the incubator, without the need to remove your cells from incubator to enhance culture quality control.
Minimizes Experimental Variations
Up to four units of EzScope can to be setup in the same incubator and controlled by one computer. This enables the monitoring of samples simultaneously, reduces errors caused by environment variations.
Exceptional Image Quality
Adopts high contract brightfield optical configuration, coupled with precise motorized focusing, and two interchangeable magnifying objective lenses.
Remote Monitoring of Experiment
Allows flexible remote monitoring the assay via Windows-based remote desktop software.
Easy Image Editor
Captures and edits images easily with EzCapture software:
- - Live preview for up to 4 units of EzScope
- - Capture single image or time-lapse series
- - Flatfielding correction for even brightfield background
- - Time-lapse video output
- - Spatial calibration
- - Measure and convergence analysis
Optics |
Brightfield (transmitted) with white LED |
Objective Lens |
10x, 20x (optional) (included in plus-version) |
Camera |
1.3 MP CMOS Sensor |
Image Resolution |
1280 x 1024 pixels |
Export Formats |
Tiff (image), AVI (video) |
Software |
EzCapture with snapshot, time-lapse and confluence, etc. |
Field of View |
2.6 x 2.0 mm (10x objective) |
Resolution |
2 µm/pixel (10x objective), 1 µm/pixel (20x objective) (included in plus-version) |
Live View Frame Rate |
Up to 8 frames/second |
Focusing |
Motorized |
Stage |
Manual XY stage (optional) |
SBS footprint |
Labware Holders (optional) |
35 mm culture dish and slide, 60 mm culture dish and slide, T-25 culture flask, T-75 culture flask |
General |
Computer Requirements |
i3 CPU with 4 GB RAM, Windows 10 OS, i5 CPU with 8 GB RAM, Windows 10 OS for multiple units connection |
Connectivity |
USB 2.0/3.0, up to 4 units |
Power Adaptor |
Input: AC 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz; Output: DC 5 V, 2 A |
Dimensions (W x D x H) |
225 x 131 x 205 mm |
Weight |
2.0 kg |
Operating Conditions |
0°C - 42°C, 5% - 95% RH non-condensing |
Certifications |
CE, RoHS |
* Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
EzScope 101 XY Stage Quick guide
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