Anti-Human CD105 / Endoglin, soluble (AG) (PAB) Polyclonal Antibody

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Polyclonale Antikörper (PAB)

Synonyms: Endoglin, END, ORW, HHT1, ORW1, CD105

Source: Rabbit

Clone: AB-Sbccju!JH

Manufacturer:  Active Bioscience

Artikelnummer Größe Preis  
1260.852.050 50 µg 210 €





Endoglin, END, ORW, HHT1, ORW1, CD105


Description of Anti-Human CD105 / Endoglin, soluble (AG) (PAB)

Endoglin, also known as CD105, is a Type I integral membrane glycoprotein with a large, disulfide-linked, extracellular region and a short, constitutively phosphorylated, cytoplasmic tail. Two splice variants of human endoglin, the S-endoglin and L-endoglin that differ in the length of their cytoplasmic tails have been identified. Endoglin is highly expressed on vascular endothelial cells, chondrocytes, and syncytiotrophoblasts of term placenta. It is also found on activated monocytes, bone marrow pro-erythroblasts, and leukemic cells of lymphoid and myeloid lineages. Human and mouse endoglin share approximately 70% and 97 % amino acid sequence identity in their extracellular and intracellular domains, respectively. It has clearly been shown that CD105/Endoglin is required for angiogenesis and it plays a key role in heart development. Mutations in human endoglin or ALK-1 (another type I serine/threonine receptor) lead to the vascular disorder hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). Mice heterozygous for endoglin have been developed as disease models for HHT. Endoglin has been shown to be a powerful marker of neovascularization. It is also useful as a functional marker that defines long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells.


Biological Activity

Western Blot: Use 1-5 µg/ml



Centrifuge vial prior to opening. Reconstitute in sterile water to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/ml.


Shipping symbol Shipped at room temperature









Verwendung: Nur für Forschungszwecke. Nicht zur Verwendung in diagnostischen oder therapeutischen Verfahren. Nicht für den menschlichen Gebrauch.


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